Username This is the Autotask API username AT2Sage should use to access Autotask (see Step 2: Create an Autotask API user for information on how to create an Autotask API user)
Password This is the Password used for the Autotask account above
Download invoices marked as invoiced AT2Sage marks invoices sent to Sage as invoiced on Autotask, when this option is un-ticked AT2Sage will not download those invoices that have been marked as sent to Sage. Ticking this box will download all invoices including those that have already been sent to Sage.
Use Invoice Date from Autotask The invoice date for the invoice in Autotask will used for the invoice AT2Sage creates in Sage Accounts
Skip Zero Value Lines Selecting this option will skip any lines that have zero value so they do not appear on the invoice