Data Path This is the path to your Sage Accounts database, the path can vary between Sage versions. You can find the path to your database by opening Sage Accounts and going to Help > About > System Information > Directories > Data Directory.
Username The username to log into Sage Accounts. It is recommended that you create a new user only to be used by AT2Sage.
Password The password for the username above.
Create Missing Customers AT2Sage finds customers in Sage Accounts by matching up the Account Code in Sage Accounts with the Account Number in Autotask. If AT2Sage cannot find the account in Sage by matching these values AT2Sage will automatically create a new account in Sage
Update Sage Customers AT2Sage will update customer accounts in Sage with any changes from Autotask, this includes Name, Address, Website Address, and telephone.
Update Sage Products
AT2Sage will update products in Sage with the product name, description, last purchase price, nominal code and sale price.
Mark Terms as Agreed When creating or updating Sage customers AT2Sage will mark the Terms as Agreed in Sage.
Create Credit Notes If ticked, AT2Sage will remove any negative values from an invoice and put these into a credit note.
Enable Multi-Currency If the customer in Sage is set up to use a foreign currency and this option is ticked, AT2Sage will post invoices to Sage in that currency
Insert Account Owners Name into Analysis 1 Ticking this option will insert the Account Owners First Name as set in Autotask for that Account, into the Analysis 1 field in Sage. Many companies use this field to store the Account Owners name to allow them to produce reports for a particular Account Owner.
Tax Code
Accounts Default Tax Code – use the tax code set for the Account in Sage Accounts for the invoice
Products Default Tax Code – use the tax code set for the product in Sage Accounts for the invoice
Invoice Numbers
Use Autotask Invoice Numbers – the invoice number generated by Autotask is used for the invoice created in Sage Accounts
Use Sage Invoice Numbers – Sage Accounts generates its own invoice numbers
Save them back to Autotask – this options saves the invoice number generated by Sage Accounts back to Autotask so the invoice number for the inovice in Autotask matches the invoice number in Sage Accounts
Purchase Order Numbers
Use Autotask PO Numbers – the PO number generated by Autotask is used for the PO created in Sage Accounts
Use Sage PO Numbers – Sage Accounts generates its own PO numbers
Save them back to Autotask – this options saves the PO number generated by Sage Accounts back to Autotask so the PO number for the PO in Autotask matches the PO number in Sage Accounts. This option will only work for New Purchase Orders (Purchase Orders that are set as New in Autotask), Autotask will not allow you to edit a Purchase Order that has a status other than New